Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Beginning of A New Walk - New Mexico

New Mexico
Our journey begins with a few days on a ranch in New Mexico visiting dear old friends.
The chickens cluck at my feet and the sheep baaa in the distance as we rest our tired bodies from the ordeal of leaving our complicated world behind. The dust blows up and circles around the brown dried up branches of trees that haven’t seen a drop of water in months. We have just left a state that teeters on the threat of flooding with record rainfall now drowning our deep green foliage. The contrast in the two states is shocking.
Life is slowing to the rhythm of a rocking porch swing and soothing, to the cooing of doves on the fence. A quiet rural experience is like medicine to the mind. The warm sun breaks the days and a cozy fire cuts the chill and puts us to rest at night.
The colors of the sky and on the desert walls are vibrant orange, purple and blue.
We did a road -trip touring the back roads, climbed the mountains into the forest, dropped down into Harry’s favorite fishing reservoir, lunched at café rio, and watched the sun go down at White Sands Monument.
White Sand Monument has miles of white sand dunes contrasting against a changing blue sky. It could be mistaken for hills of powdery snow if we we’re barefoot ,sledding down the dunes. The white hills roll one after another into an endless baron desert where sense of direction becomes difficult. We leave our footprints in a magnificent, impeccably clean white world, and watch them disappear.

We are not walking away from you. We are taking your love with us and offering an extra set of eyes to share the world with you. One Pack on the Back, and a World In front of Us.


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