Melbourne and Around

1.) “G’Day Mate“- Says the Koala in the tree
2.) City by Night- Melbourne has reproduced it’s own most celebrated monument. Why go anywhere else?
3.) Royalty Only- Commonwealth States have their own private “Queen Club Member Only” Olympic games.
4.) Blue Beaches- A tranquil place to ponder the meaning of life (Or figure, what to make for dinner tonight?)
5.) The Princess Bridge- Melbourne CBD (Central Business District)
6.) Mother’s Nurturing- The young still suckle from the pouch for nourishment.
7.) Parrot Paradise- Trees are full of color with rainbow parrots that often will call on you for a visit.
8.) Bursting Grapes-The next 2006 Chardonnay at your table.
9.) Kite Surfing at St Kilda Beach- An infamous place to set your sail to the wind.
10.) Opening Ceremony Fireworks- Explosions from buildings tops, set to a live concert, at the Common Wealth Games Kick-off.
11.) Wine Valleys- Some of the best grapes emerge from this perfect climate wine country.
12.) Bathing Boxes- For only $110,000 you can own a 15 ft box to store your sand toys on Brighton beach.
13.) Roller Coasters- St Kilda Beach/Luna Park offers levels of fun for all ages.
14.) A city that moves- Innovative trains transport the masses deep into the suburbs.
15.) The Common Wombat- Elusive as it may be, and only coming out at night it’s the most difficult to photograph.
16.) Harvesting the Vines- Awaiting the perfect, chosen day to pluck the fruit.
17.) Art Rocks- There’s a story to be told in those that endure the beating of time and tribulation.
18.) Salt water skiing- Just like riding a bike, after 10 years of abstinence, Brian is cutting it up
19.) Friendly Kangaroos- It’s true, it’s a friendly place! Camping outside of the city.
20.) Koala Chillin in the Heat- South of Melbourne. The Great Ocean Highway.
21.) Our New Home- Less square footage but takes care of our needs. “Can’t always get what you want…but if you try sometimes, you just might find… YOU GET WHAT YOU NEED.”
22.) Shark Watch- The Heli searches the coast several times a day, for silhouettes of the deadly sharks.
23.) Southern Cross- Winds of change roll through the grassy hills.
24.) On the Road Again- Take Caution and watch for Kangaroos, Imu’s , Wallaby’s and Wombats when outside the city limits.
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